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C.O.S.H.H Testing
All our C.O.S.H.H LEV tests provide an extensive report that fully complies with HSE COSHH regulations, conducted by a competent and experienced individual.
What is C.O.S.H.H?
Regulation 7 of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health {C.O.S.H.H} Regulations 2002, requires that the exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health be either prevented or, where it is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled {HSE EH40}.

These state the minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres.
- Regulation 9 of COSHH requires that any control measure taken to comply with regulation 7 must be maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order, and in good repair.
- LEV (local exhaust ventilation) systems should be tested at least every 14 months, subject to minimum frequencies for LEV systems used in conjunction with processes listed in Schedule 4 to regulations 9 {2} {a}.
- Regulations also specify that records shall be kept of the results of the tests including details of any repairs carried out as a result of the examinations and tests. These records have to be kept for at least five years.
The thorough examination and test represents a regular audit of the performance of the systems and comprises:
- A visual inspection of the plant.
- An assessment of its ability to perform the task assigned to it.
- A measurement of performance against its design. Where the design is unknown, against an acceptable parameter decided by a competent person.

Allow us to share 50 years of experience with you in Dust Filter, Extraction and Collection Systems – contact us today with any enquiry big or small.
Contact Us
- 0121 516 9510
- sales.fdl@filtex.co.uk
404W, Castlemill, Burnt Tree,
Dudley, West Midlands,
DY4 7UF.
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