Specialists in Dust Extraction & Filter Systems

Servicing & Spares

We supply a full range of Servicing & Spares


Years Of Experience
servicing & spares

Plant Servicing, Maintenance and Inspection

Order a professional, regulated service for your fume extraction and dust collection systems and find replacement parts for every part of your fume extraction and dust collection systems.

Servicing, Maintenance & Inspections

All of our servicing, maintenance and inspections are completed with a comprehensive written report. We include identification of the current physical and operating condition of your system and a detailed action plan should it be required to restore the system to maximum operating efficiency.

We would recommend this be carried out on a 6 or 12 monthly basis depending on application.

servicing & spares

Replacement Parts

We can supply replacement parts for every part of your fume extraction and dust collection systems, including:

Servicing & spares

Spares & Fittings

We sell an extensive range of spare parts for Mechanical Shake clean, Reverse Jet and Cartridge Dust and Fume Filter Units.

All replacement parts can be expertly fitted by our dedicated team of onsite engineers.

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Allow us to share 50 years of experience with you in Dust Filter, Extraction and Collection Systems – contact us today with any enquiry big or small.

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